Language Literacy and Communication
The key principles of this AOLE and guidance can be found here: https://hwb.gov.wales/curriculum-for-wales
Aims: Ysgol Y Gogarth aligns its curriculum with the Curriculum for Wales, aiming to integrate Literacy, Language, and Communication (LLC) across each Area of Learning and Experience (AOLE), to instil a love for languages by encompassing speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills to make sense of the world.
Our aim is to prioritise delivering a personalised curriculum that caters to the individual needs of all our 3 – 19 year old learners. This approach focuses on providing engaging experiences to foster independence and a genuine passion for learning.
Vision: At Ysgol Y Gogarth, we recognise the pivotal role of language and the importance of Language, Literacy, and Communication (LLC) in helping all our learners understand the world. We prioritise allowing learners to express themselves in their preferred language and communication method, tailoring our approach to their individual pace and needs. This commitment embodies our values of ambition, inclusivity, and creativity for all.
LLC is integrated throughout the school day, helping learners develop listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills. Learners are supported to articulate their needs, preferences, feelings, and thoughts and encouraged to ask questions, give opinions, and make choices.
Literacy and cross curricular skills are seamlessly woven into the curriculum providing purposeful experiences for real-life situations. The inclusive development of skills considers bilingualism, multilingualism, and translanguaging when appropriate, giving children more experiences and opportunities to use different languages effectively.
What does LLC and the ‘what matter statements’ look like at
Ysgol Y Gogarth?
At Ysgol Y Gogarth we recognise that language connects us by providing individualised approaches and tailored means of communication which in turn helps to shape our understanding.​
We understand languages are key to understanding the world around us, and that listening to and experiencing different languages help us understand the world.
We recognise that expressing ourselves through language is key to communication and use various tools such as Makaton, symbols, PODD books, and AAC devices to help learners express their emotions, thoughts, and ideas effectively."
We recognise that literature fires imagination and inspires creativity and that stories, factual books, poetry, songs and rhymes open up new worlds to explore and discover new things.
Planning: Planning is key to supporting pupils in making progress. Every practitioner is recognised as a Literacy, Language, and Communication teacher, with the responsibility for planning and delivering an engaging and personalised approach to developing LLC skills and knowledge.
​LLC planning is completed in three phases which include long term, medium and short term plan (please refer to the school curricular policy for more details about these planning documents) and are based on the LLC ‘What Matter Statements’ which clearly identify the range of experiences and progressive skills to be taught alongside the Cross-Curricular Skills Document.
Monitoring and Evaluation: Specific tracking of Language, Literacy, and Communication (LLC) for each individual learner is completed on EARWIG, a software package used for progress tracking and reporting, through regular coded assessments.
All learners are regularly assessed using the following codes:
Learners working at Level 2 or above in reading will complete the personalised assessment twice a year. An initial assessment is completed during the second half of the autumn term with the second assessment completed during the first half of the Summer Term. The assessments are then used to inform teachers planning.
More information can be found here: Reading and numeracy assessments
Moderation: The internal moderation process is facilitated by the LLC, Maths and Numeracy (M&N) and Science &Technology (Sc&T) AOLE leads and take part three times a year, during the autumn, spring and summer terms.
All teachers submit work for each framework during the course of the year. An annual rota for work submission is available on the staff shared drive.
The LLC, M&N and Sc&T leads also take part in an external moderation processes where they collaborate with other North Wales schools.
Learning walks / triads/ observation: Learning walks, triads, and observations are deployed to capture how Literacy, Language, and Communication are implemented within the school. These practices encourage professional dialogue and help identify training needs, facilitating the recognition of good practices.
​Formal tests: External accreditations such as ASDAN and GCSE’s provides an additional framework for curriculum delivery.
How Literacy, Language and Communication can help learners make connections between Areas of Learning, Cross-Curricular Skills, Integral Skills and the Cross-Cutting Themes
LLC promotes the development of effective communication skills, which are then applied throughout the learning areas and the school day. This approach ensures that learners apply their understanding and skills across various situations.
Cymraeg and Cynefin: We take every opportunity to promote a Welsh ethos within the school, ensuring learners understand Wales' unique language and culture. Local landmarks such as Conwy Castle and traditional Welsh folktales like Gelert are woven into our lessons, and the use of incidental Welsh is promoted throughout the school day, fostering a deep appreciation and understanding of Wales' rich heritage. As part of our commitment to Welsh culture, we proudly host an annual Eisteddfod, a celebration that further strengthens our connection to Welsh traditions and talent within our school community.
Key Resources: A diverse array of resources to support the teaching of LLC is available in both English and Welsh. These resources also include literature for learners with more complex needs. Resources are tailored to support learners of various ages and needs and include a range of specialist tools, such as devices and apps. Additionally, both Welsh and English books, which include a diverse range of literature, are available and stored in designated classes.
Our resources also include an Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) and Assistive Technology (AT) assistant, offering support for learners using high-tech devices such as eye gaze and other devises dedicated to fostering inclusivity. Ysgol Y Gogarth also have an onsite Speech and Language Assistant to support learners with their individualised communication plans and the delivery of language interventions.
Supporting teachers: Teachers can access training provided by GWE through the GWE bulletin and can request support from the AOLE lead for the acquisition of curriculum resources and training. Regular meetings are held with teachers to encourage dialogue with the AOLE lead, ensuring ongoing support and alignment with LLC goals.
Other Consideration for this AOLE
Following the health and safety policy, staff will ensure compliance with guidelines during activities. The utilisation of equipment and materials will be based on learners' comprehension and the required level of supervision. Outdoor learning, including off-site trips, will align with this approach and adhere to the EVOLVE process when applicable.