School Meals

The School Meals Service operates a “Healthy Eating” policy, which is reflected in the menus offered. A wide variety of hot and cold meals are available daily and eaten in the dining room.
All pupils are expected to pay for their meals except those who are entitled to free school meals or those who bring their own sandwiches/lunch - currently all pupils of primary school age are entitled to a free school meal.
Free school meals are provided for children of parents in receipt of Income Support, Income Based Jobseekers Allowance or Child Tax Credit if not entitled to Working Tax Credit. (Application forms are available from the school office - Re-application is necessary annually)
School meal prices are set by Conwy County Borough Council and are subject to change depending on, for instance, VAT increases
School meals are paid for via the ParentPay Website/App which offers the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, if you prefer the school can issue you with a card for you to pay cash at any PayPoint station. Please notify the School Office if you wish to use the Pay Point facility. A plastic card will be issued to you to make cash payments for school meals at local Pay Point stores.
Provision is made for pupils wishing to bring their own packed lunch to eat in the dining room/hall. Please note that no glass bottles are allowed and we ask you not to include any fizzy drinks. Please consider the contents carefully as there is not a designated refrigerated area for packed lunches
Subject to change to meet individual preferences.